'Have peace of mind and see your money grow long-term'

What We Do

Thelo Kapital GmbH is the BaFin registered entity of the Lehmann Family Office. Our sole focus is on European higher yielding credits, backed by a strong fundamental research provided by leading analysts from bank and non-bank backgrounds.

A Word From Frank

'Its about 12y ago that I personally met with one of the top voices in investing in New York, and his key insight was that Highyield as an asset had one of the best characteristics of any asset class available. We have proven this by managing high yield debt since 2010, initially on a managed account basis, from 2017 onwards through a security advised by us and listed on a German exchange.'


The portfolio consists of approx. 45 names with an average Coupon of > 8% and an average maturity of less than 3 years. The investments are supported by constant conversations with management and bank independent analysts; this is the basis for superior returns beating benchmarks in 1y, 3y and 5y maturities.

Thelo Kapital GmbH
Uferpromenade 28 B
14089 Berlin, DE
+49 309 486 94-47 direct
Trade register: Charlottenburg (Berlin) HRB 187226 B